Our HR approach

Our HR policy corresponds to the group’s strategy and guarantees the respect of our fundamental values. It corresponds to two major challenges: attractiveness and loyalty.


We must keep in touch with the routine concerns of our business sector, both with regard to our candidates and clients (the prospective and the existing ones).


We must have a motivated, trained, united and agile team. Employee loyalty is earned one day at a time, starting with the signature of an employment contract.

Our HR fundamentals

Selective recruitment process

100% permanent contract recruitment at engineer or pharmacist level

Hands-on management: bimonthly reviews, annual evaluation interview, end of project review, discussions facilitated and encouraged by managers

Technical stability: the average duration of a client project is 18 months

Geographic stability: no mobility clause

Annual training plan and career path

Transparent wage and social policy

Integration of employees into a company that is “a great place to work for”

Quality commitment

« Our quality approach is a real performance driver »

We are sensitive and attentive to the quality of our relations, so we deploy the measures necessary to ensure satisfaction for all parties. We promise:

To build close, trusting relationships with all parties, be they candidates, employees or clients

To make and keep our promises

To propose a real development plan to our employees

To propose high quality services to our customers, providing trained consultants with all the skills required for the project

To have transparent, simple and fair management and decision processes

To adapt our practices to our ecosystem and its requirements

If, in spite of this, you are not satisfied with your experience with us, please let us know: contact@consultys.com

Professional careers

In 2020, the group is formalising the implementation of professional careers; this is one of the major challenges of our human resources strategy.
These career paths, combined with professional training, are intended to foster skills’ development for all employees, to broaden their scope of action, and achieve professional satisfaction, while consolidating their employability via the various projects proposed by our clients.

Gender equality indicator

This indicator measures gender inequalities in professional treatments and it concerns our subsidiaries with more than 50 people.
Beyond the legal framework, Consultys pay attention every day to its practices in order to ensure gender equality.







is recruiting

Are you an engineer, pharmacist or researcher?
Do you have significant experience in the pharma / biotech / MD / Cosmetics industrial sectors?
Do you share our values?
Would you like to work on strategic industrial projects?

Why not join us and make the most of the following opportunities!